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What is the development prospect of the overall kitchen industry in 2023?

At present, the consumption capacity of the Chinese people has been continuously improved, and the emerging middle class has risen. Consumers mainly from the 1980s and 1990s have become the main consumer groups in the cabinet industry. The consumption structure has changed from subsistence consumption to enjoyment and development consumption. At present, consumers are generally willing to meet the cooking needs of kitchen appliances in an integrated way. In addition to ensuring better use of functions, they can also save space, cost and human operation. From this point of view, the overall kitchen is also the main direction of kitchen appliances brands in the future.

The integrated kitchen is a new type of kitchen form that combines kitchen appliances and kitchen appliances such as cabinets, range hoods, gas stoves, disinfection cabinets, dishwashers, refrigerators, microwave ovens, electric ovens, water basins, various drawer baskets, garbage shredders, etc. with kitchen appliances. With its six advantages of integration, health, safety, comfort, beauty and personalization, it will become an inevitable trend of future development.

The overall cabinet originated in Europe and America and was introduced into China in the late 1980s and early 1990s. With the deepening of reform and opening up and the continuous development of market economy and urbanization, the overall cabinet has gradually formed a huge industrial market in China and become one of the sunrise industries in China.

The overall kitchen market size has reached about 40 billion yuan. However, among about 100 million urban households, the overall kitchen ownership rate is only 6.8%, which is far lower than the average level of 35% in developed countries in Europe and the United States. The future market growth space of the industry is huge. According to the forecast, the total demand or intended purchase volume of the overall kitchen in the next five years is about 29 million sets, with an average of 5.8 million sets per year.

With the development of the world economy and the acceleration of globalization, China has made remarkable achievements in opening up. Foreign trade, foreign investment and foreign direct investment have gradually integrated the domestic market and the international market. Under the background of rapid economic development, the overall kitchen is also experiencing rapid development. In the future, the overall kitchen will develop in the direction of green environmental protection, intelligence, integration, simplicity and globalization.